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Annual General Conference

Monday, March 24, 2014

Victoria Inn

1803 Wellington Avenue

Please note that attendance at these sessions and meetings may be used for Continuing Education credits. These credits would be claimed independently by participants and there is no certification provided.

In addition to our meeting and conference, we will be introducing two new events:

First, we will be having an Art Raffle, with tickets at $10.00, to support a new Student Awards Fund (with art donated by our psychological community).

Second, we will be sponsoring a Student Poster Competition, with three prominent Psychologists as judges, and a cash award of $150.00.

Conference Meeting and Agenda

3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Concurrent Continuing Education Sessions (Choose One):

    An Ounce of Prevention:
    Common Ways Psychologists Get Themselves into Ethical Trouble and How to Avoid Them.

    Dr. Bruce Tefft, C.Psych. and Dr. Jaye Miles, C.Psych.

    This workshop will focus on what can be learned from patterns in the complaints against Manitoba psychologists received by the Complaints Committee of P.A.M. over the last 10 years. Common pitfalls and how best to avoid them will be discussed, including anonymous case examples. Dr. Tefft teaches ethics at the University of Manitoba and is a long-time member of the Complaints Committee of P.A.M. Dr. Miles is the former Chair of the Complaints Committee.

    Perking up Your Private Practice — Ideas from MPS’s Business of Practice Directorate.

    Led by Dr. Moira Somers, Director.

    Getting tired of the same old, same old? This session will help you identify ways of revitalizing your practice. Topics covered will include target markets, promotion ideas, and networking.

    4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
    Break, snacks and networking;

    Time to view student posters and art prizes

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
    Concurrent Continuing Education Sessions/Meeting (Choose One):

      You (Almost) Have Your Degree. Now What?: Transitioning from Student to Professional

      Dr. Leah Enns, C.Psych. Cand. and Dr. Heather MacKenzie, C. Psych. Cand.

      This presentation will provide an overview of the steps taken during the transition from student to professional. Topics to be covered include: the job search and application process, preparing for interviews and job talks, and licensing in Manitoba. Dr. Leah Enns, C.Psych. Cand., obtained her Ph.D. from Concordia University, and is employed at the Health Sciences Centre and the Manitoba FASD Centre. Dr. Heather MacKenzie, C. Psych. Cand., obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Calgary, and is employed at the Health Sciences Centre and the Diabetes Education Resource Centre for Children and Adolescents.

      Disability, Decisions, and the WCB: How the Heck does it All Work?

      Drs. Cam Stacey and Burton Abbot

      Drs. Cam Stacey and Burton Abbot, Family and Emergency Physicians with the Healthcare Department of WCB will discuss common situations and decision-making processes in WCB Healthcare, how the WCB system works with respect to medical opinions, and how they utilize Psychology in this process

      Follow-up Meeting of Public Practice Psychologists to discuss compensation issues and the potential role of MPS in advocating on these matters.

      5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
      Cash bar, informal networking and visiting;

      Time to view student posters and Art Prizes

      6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
      Buffet dinner

      (Seating no longer available)

      $25.00 for members; $20.00 for students; $37.00 for non-members

      6:30 – 7:15 p.m.
      Dessert and Annual General Meeting

      7:15 p.m.
      Keynote Speaker

      Deputy Chief Thorne of the Winnipeg Police Department will speak about the efforts of the Winnipeg Police Services in bringing communities together to decrease crime and improve the quality of life of all Winnipeggers.  He will discuss how psychologists could be of assistance in these efforts.

      Conference Registration Form

      Please RSVP by March 17th

      Registration has Ended.