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Find a Psychologist in your Community

A listing of MPS members who are private practice psychologists and their areas of specialty can be accessed at the MPS Psychologist Directory

Click here to view the MPS Psychologist Directory 

Private practice psychologists are not covered under the provincial health plan and many people choose to pay out-of-pocket to see one.  However, there often is some coverage for psychotherapy and/or assessment with a psychologist as part of extended health benefits plans.

Psychologists are not obligated to charge any set fee for services.  However, The Manitoba Psychological Society does recommend fees for psychological services (see Recommended Fees).  These recommendations are made based on current psychologist fees in other provinces as well as on consumer price index changes.

Public Health Care System

Referrals to, or inquiries about, services from clinical psychologists in the public health care system can be made by accessing the Department of Clinical Health Psychology Central Intake Line at:

(204) 787-7424

Physicians or other health professionals can send direct referrals to the following fax number:
(204) 787-3755

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has additional information about psychological services listed on their website, which also includes a downloadable brochure in both French and English.

Access to psychologists for children and youth in the public health care system is often available through referrals to Clinical Health Psychology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, or paediatric specialty programs, both at Health Science Centre (HSC) and the Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre (MATC),  and at some primary health clinics, Access Centres, and shared care sites. Psychologists also provide services in the public education system, and referrals may be made through the local school.

 For more information, click on the WRHA button below and then click the “Services” link for more information about accessing psychological services for children and youth.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority