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Invitation to Participate in the “Characteristics of Counselling Psychology in Canada and Canadian Counselling Psychologists” Survey

The following is a paid advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.

Dr. Robinder (Rob) Bedi, principal investigator, and Kesha Pradhan, co-investigator, from the University of British Columbia are conducting a survey to gain knowledge about Canadian counselling psychologists’ understanding and practice of counselling psychology in Canada.

Who is eligible? Canadian counselling psychologists who are not members of the Counselling Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association

How long will it take? 20 minutes

What’s in it for me? $20 Tim Horton’s electronic gift card delivered by e-mail
Please copy, type, or follow the link below for the informed consent and the electronic survey.

Thank you for your consideration!

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Bedi
Phone: 604-822-4185