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MPS Dr. John Walker Student Research Award

Call for Submissions

The Manitoba Psychological Society (MPS) is hosting their Annual General Meeting in person this year on Thursday March 20st from 5:15 – 8:15 pm.  In previous years, students participated in a poster competition in which the winner received the MPS Dr. John Walker Student Research award, including a certificate and cash prize. This year, the poster competition will once again invite your digital submission and the winning student will be awarded the MPS Dr. John Walker Research Award and a cash prize!

If you are interested in entering the poster competition, please submit a PDF version of your poster and a short 5 minute pre-recorded video of your research (in place of a Q&A period at the AGM) to MPS Student Advocate Director, Lara Penner-Goeke, at [email protected] by Friday, March 7th. Please include “Dr. John Walker Award” in the subject line of your email. The winner will be announced at our AGM on Thursday March 20st. While all posters will be broadcasted in rotation on a large AV screen, the winner will also have their research video presented at the meeting.

In order to take part in the student poster competition, you must be a student member of MPS (go to to become a member in advance) and register to attend the AGM. Members of MPS will be emailed the AGM invitation including registration link. If you have any questions about the poster competition or the AGM, please email MPS Student Advocate Director, Lara Penner-Goeke, at [email protected]. Below you will find the official MPS award outline.

MPS Dr. John Walker Student Research Award

The Manitoba Psychological Society (MPS) created this award in memory of Dr. John Walker (1949-2018), a Manitoba psychologist who earned international recognition for his research within the field of anxiety.  In addition to an exemplary researcher, Dr. Walker was a mentor to countless numbers of psychology students and residents and a highly respected clinician who provided individual and group treatment services to individuals across the age span.  This award replaced the previous Graduate Student Award.

Criteria:  MPS will use this award to recognize the student with the most meritorious submission to the annual student poster competition which is held at MPS’s Annual General Meeting in March.  Research projects must be in the field of psychology. Submissions will be judged on the basis of several criteria including, but not limited to, topic, research design, clarity of information, visual appeal, and the student’s video submission. This competition is open to all student members of the Manitoba Psychological Society, both undergraduate and graduate level training. 

Awarded: Paper certificate and monetary award to be presented yearly at the Annual General Meeting in March.