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MPS reaches out to political party leaders

MPS recently sent out letters to all the political party leaders requesting responses to some important questions.  The responses we receive will be posted on our website.  We hope to receive additional responses and encourage website visitors to check back for updates.     

Please note MPS does not endorse any particular party or candidate and that these responses are provided for informational purposes only.

August 15, 2019

The Manitoba Psychological Society (MPS) recognizes that your party has an important opportunity to improve the quality of life for all Manitobans; “without mental health, there can be no true physical health,” (Chisholm, 1954).  As such, our members and other fellow constituents look forward to your answers to the following questions, as they consider how they will vote in the upcoming election.

  • Two reviews regarding our health and mental health system have been completed in the last few years. Both contain specific and needed recommendations for increasing Manitobans’ access to mental health and addictions services. Which of the Peachey and Virgo recommendations regarding access to mental health and addictions services are priorities for your political party?
  • Manitoba has the smallest per capita rate of psychologists in the country (20 psychologists per 100,000 Manitobans compared to 51 psychologists per 100,000 Canadians; CIHI, 2017). This statistic is alarming from both a healthcare and fiscal perspective as the efficacy and cost savings associated with evidence-based psychological services have both been well documented (every $1.00 spend on psychology services yields a $5.00 savings on medical costs; Canadian Psychological Association, J. Hunsley, 2002).   Both the Peachey and Virgo reports recommend increasing the number of psychologists to be closer to the national average.  What is your party’s view on this recommendation?  What does your party plan to do to address this shortage?
  • How does your party plan to address the significant barriers that exist for Manitobans in accessing psychological and mental health services (e.g., developing new and effective models of mental and behavioural health provision)?

We look forward to posting the responses from all political parties on our website and Facebook page and emailing the responses to all our members.

We look forward to your responses.


Dr. Jo Ann Unger, C.Psych.                                       Dr. Karen Dyck, C.Psych.
President, MPS                                                           Executive Director, MPS


Response from Manitoba's NDP