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The following is a paid advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.


Drs. Kenneth and Lesley Enns, Registered Psychologists, are looking for a part-time clinical associate-assisstant (one-to-two days a week) to join their respective private practices, which are part of Enns, Enns, Affiliates, Registered Psychologists and Consultants. Their offices are located at 1070-444 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3T1, close to major bus routes and parkade parking.

The successful candidate for this position of employment will be enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology, and will have completed course work and clinical experience in psychometric testing and assessment, including measures of cognitive and academic functioning and mental health.

The candidate’s clinical work would focus on the administration and scoring of psychometric tests primarily with adults, youth and children as young as six years of age. It would also include other clinical and related work, as assigned. Supervision would cover the associate’s individual work with clients, as well as more general issues such as ethical conduct, professional standards, the diagnostic process, interviews and observation.

The position will provide the successful candidate with an opportunity to expand their experience and knowledge base in relation to a highly diverse range of clients, psychometric measures and psychological/mental health issues.

If you would like more information or are interested in applying for the position, which has recently become open, please contact Dr. Kenneth L. Enns, C.Psych. at 204-943-0804 or You may wish to access the Enns, Enns, Affiliates website for more information about our practices: CV’s may be forwarded by email or by fax to: 204-944-9252.