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ConCEPT Professional Training: Fall Training Line-up

By August 19, 2018August 28th, 2018Events, Mailings
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Hello Manitoba Psychological Society members.

ConCEPT Professional Training (
is pleased to announce our new 2018 Fall Training line-up.

Fall Training provides an opportunity to complete online training at your own pace, guided by emails and check-in sessions to keep you on track. This Fall, we are pleased to announce three training sessions:

(1) Comprehensive Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) by Dr. Michele Galietta begins September 10th and runs for 20 weeks (through Jan 28, 2019) and includes 10 consultation sessions with Dr. Galietta throughout the 20 weeks. This is a 50 hour training program that provides the didactic training required to become certified in DBT.

(2) Evaluation of Risk for Intimate Partner Violence with the SARA-V3 by Dr. Stephen Hart begins October 7th and runs for 10 weeks (through Dec 16, 2018). Check out the details on this 20 hour fall training program.

(3) Trauma and Mental Disability Law by Professors Michael Perlin & Heather Cucolo begins October 7th and runs for 10 weeks (through Dec 16, 2018). Check out the details on this 20 hour fall training program.

And, of course, later this month we continue our Wednesday Webinar series on September 12th. Dr. Martin Sellbom will present a 90-min webinar on Incorporating the MMPI-2-RF into Violence Risk Assessments and on September 19th Dr. Stephen Hart will present a FREE webinar on Critical Elements in Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs.

As always, don’t forget to check out our latest Translating Research into Practice (TRiP) posts Keep out of trouble: Validation of a risk assessment measure in a correctional sample and Break the cycle: Stopping intergenerational poverty through families and schools.

CE / CEU Board Approvals 

  • ConCEPT Professional Training is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ConCEPT maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
  • ConCEPT Professional Training is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ConCEPT maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
  • (Click here to see all board approvals)

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Join one of our Fall Training Sessions

Sept 10, 2018 – Jan 28, 2019

Comprehensive Training
with 10-hrs of Consultation

50 Hours / 50 CEs

Course Details

Oct 7, 2018 – Dec 16, 2018

10-week Guided
Online Training

20 Hours / 20 CEs

Course Details

Oct 7, 2018 – Dec 16, 2018

10-week Guided
Online Training

20 Hours / 20 CEs

Course Details
webinar MMPI-2-RF

Sept 12, 2018

3:30pm – 5:00pm (Eastern)

2:30pm – 4:00pm (Central)

1:30pm – 3:00pm (Mountain)

12:30pm – 2:00pm (Pacific)

1.5 hrs / 1.5 CE / CEU / CPD

webinar workplace violence

Sept 19th, 2018

1:00pm – 2:00pm (Eastern)

12:00pm – 1:00pm (Central)

11:00am – 12:00pm (Mountain)

10:00am – 11:00am (Pacific)

1 hr / 1 CE / CEU / CPD

Oct 17 – Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs: Policies by Dr. Kevin Douglas 

Nov 14 – Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs: Teams by Dr. Kelly Watt 

Dec 12 – Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs: Emergency Protocols by Dr. Stephen Hart

ConCEPT Professional training would like to announce several new self-paced training courses available online. Click on any image below to view more information about each course and the internationally recognized expert.

Why train with ConCEPT?

  • Professional training by internationally recognized experts in forensic mental health
  • Professional training on evidence-based best practices, relevant research outcomes, and clinical applications
  • Build knowledge, skill set, & expertise to take your practice to the next level
  • We have trained thousands of mental health professionals globally since 2009
  • Save travel time and costs
  • Train at your own pace
  • Courses approved for CEs and CEUs (see all board approvals)
More Self-Paced Professional Training Courses available at

Patricia A. Zapf, PhD
CONCEPT Professional Training
Work: (212) 866-0608 | Other: (888) 709-4448