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Perspectives of youth who self-harm, their families and service providers

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Dear Service Provider,

Hello, my name is Dr. Roberta Woodgate. I am a professor and researcher in the College of Nursing in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba (UM). I would like to tell you about a study that I am doing with colleagues from the University of Manitoba as well as other organizations in Canada and internationally.

What is the study about?

Non-suicidal self-injury among youth: Perspectives of youth who self-harm, their families and service providers is a study that aims to learn from young people and their families about their experiences and needs in order to alleviate their suffering and improve supports and services. What we learn from all participants will result in knowledge that may help professionals to develop meaningful policies, services and programs specific to the needs of young people who self-harm and their families. The study has been approved by the University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board.

Who can participate?

  • Service providers who work with youth who self-harm.
  • Young people with a history of self-harm (14-24 years old).
  • Family members and close friends.

What can you expect?

  • Service providers will participate in an open-ended interview sharing their experiences about working with and providing care for young people who self-harm.
  • Young people will participate in 2 interviews, with the option of participating in arts-based research.
  • Family members will also have the option to participate in an interview session.
  • All parts of this study are completely voluntary. Your identity and the information you share will be kept confidential.
  • Participants will receive an honorarium ($30) in appreciation for their participation.

If you or someone that you know is interested in our study and/or have any questions, concerns, or need additional information, please contact:

Please feel free to share our recruitment poster with your networks.

Thank you for considering participating in our study.


Dr. Roberta L. Woodgate, PhD (she/her/hers)

Canadian Research Chair (Tier 1) in Child and

Family Engagement in Health Research and Healthcare.

Principal Investigator, IN•GAUGE

Distinguished Professor, Child Health and Illness

College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,

Winnipeg, Canada  R3T 2N2