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Practitioners wanted for study: Risk Assessment in Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention Services

The following is a paid advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.

Hello Manitoba Psychological Society member, 

We are a group of student researchers at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. We are currently recruiting participants to take a 15-minute survey for a study entitled ‘Risk Assessment in Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention Services: Assessing Effectiveness, Provider Experience, and Readiness’. We are contacting you to ask if you would be interested in participating in our research. 

The present study seeks to improve the current understanding of practitioner perceptions and experiences of risk assessment for suicide. We seek to better understand practitioners’ perceived utility of risk assessment, perceived effectiveness, training experiences, readiness to conduct risk assessments, assumptions of suicide risk, and barriers to conducting risk assessments.  

This line of research will provide direction for future research in the area of suicide risk assessment and impact service delivery for both practitioners and service users.   

The following criteria must be met to be eligible to participate: 

  • Reside in Canada/United States   
  • Speak English 
  • 18 years of age and older 
  • Be currently practicing psychotherapy   


In appreciation of your time, you will receive: 

  • A free continuing education training offered by Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos on “risk assessment practice.” Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos, is a registered clinical psychologist in the province of Ontario, and national expert in suicidology. At the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education he is an Assistant Professor in Indigenous Mental Health and Social Policy in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development. In 2019 he was appointed as a Canada Research Chair in Critical in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide.  
  • Participants will also be entered into a draw for a cash prize of $200.00. 

If you would like more information about this study, please e-mail

This research has been peer-reviewed and approved by the University of Toronto Ethics Review Board (#00040908).


Research Team   

Katelyn Ward, MA 
Nikan Eghbali Tehrani, MA 
Shannen Rowe, BAH  

Principal Investigator   

Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos, C.Psych.  
Director | Critical Health and Social Action Labs 
Canada Research Chair | Critical Studies in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide |Assistant Professor | Indigenous Mental Health and Social Policy 
Clinical and Counselling Psychology | Applied Psychology and Human Development 
University of Toronto | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 
252 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M5A1V6