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Psychological Associate Wanted

By December 16, 2024December 31st, 2024, Employment

Dr. Sarah Chaulk is looking to hire a Psychological Associate to join her practice – Saltwater Psychology – in South St. Vital. Applicants should have an MA/MSc in Clinical Psychology. Hours are negotiable and can include days and/or evenings depending on applicant availability. Hybrid in-person and remote work is available. Supervision, furnished office space, referral of suitable clients, and administrative assistance are provided. Those with experience providing intervention for a variety of adult mental health concerns are sought. Supervision in assessment and treatment of traumatic stress and related conditions in public safety personnel can be provided, if desired. Hourly remuneration is competitive. 

If you would like more information or are interested in applying, please contact Dr. Chaulk at [email protected]with your CV and a cover letter outlining your specific interests and availability by January 16th, 2025.

The above is an advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse the service or educational opportunity advertised.