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Psychologists wanted for study on telerehabilitation 

The following is a paid advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.


We are a team of researchers who developed a survey on telerehabilitation for clinicians over the past year, and it is now in circulation.  We would like your help to circulate the survey to rehabilitation clinicians. 

Here is more information regarding the survey and the project :

Who is the survey for?
All clinicians who practice physical rehabilitation, including:

  • Physiotherapists/Physiotherapy technologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech language pathologists/ Audiologists
  • Neuropsychologists /Psychologists
  • Vision therapists

– who have used or are currently using telerehabilitation in their practice or;
– who are interested in telerehabilitation (even if never used)

Objective of the survey:

This project aims to better understand the rapid scaling up of telerehabilitation and draw a portrait of telerehabilitation telepractices in Canada in order to create tools to facilitate the adoption of telerehabilitation based on best practices from an ethical point of view. The results of the survey will help us identify obstacles, facilitators and ethical issues in order to support the scaling up and sustainability of telerehabilitation in Canada.

The survey is confidential and lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Possibility of winning a gift card of $100 by entering a draw.

Survey Information

This survey is part of a pan-Canadian study funded by the CIHR on telerehabilitation entitled: Avoiding pitfalls in virtual care: paving the way for more ethical and equitable standards of practice in rehabilitation, led by Professors Dahlia Kairy and Anne Hudon from the University of Montreal. For additional information, do not hesitate to contact me at ou . We have received REB approval from our ethics department. 

Thank you very much for your help, 

Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions,

Jennifer Sigouin, PhD
Coordinator, CIHR Project on Telerehabilitation
CIUSSS Centre-Sud de l’île de Montréal

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