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The following is an advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.


Over the last two years, we have conducted research examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to counselling with low-income clients from the perspective of service providers. We are contacting you today as we are beginning the third phase of this research that is examining the perspectives of clients on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on counselling for clients who self-identify as experiencing low-income and have accessed counselling services within the past year. We are looking for individuals and organizations offering counselling services that would be interested in supporting the recruitment of clients for this phase of the research.  

We have included the recruitment flyer to this email below. Please post this in a place where it will be visible to clients. We are looking for clients who meet the following criteria: 

  1. Identify as experiencing low-income 
  2. Are 18 or older 
  3. Have accessed counselling services within the past year 

Participants are invited to contact the research team if they are interested in participating and an individual Zoom interview lasting approximately 30 minutes will be arranged. Participants will have the option to join the Zoom virtually using the internet, or by calling into the Zoom by telephone. Participants will be asked demographic questions and questions relating to their experiences of counselling and the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their access to counselling. All participants will be compensated with a $50 gift card for their participation. 

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact:

Charlotte Finnigan, Project Coordinator, via email at [email protected] or telephone at 226-268-6810.

Dr. Jason Brown via email at [email protected] or telephone at 519-661-2111 extension 88617.