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The following is a paid advertisement. The Manitoba Psychological Society does not necessarily endorse any service or educational opportunity advertised.

Dear MPS Members, 

My name Courtney Andrysiak and I am a Doctoral student at Fielding Graduate University completing my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.  I am currently interviewing participants for my doctoral dissertation which is investigating experiences of women who re-entered clinical and counselling psychology doctoral programs after a gap in their education, and in particular how women persevered in the face of the challenges that a doctoral program can present.  I am looking for participants who are women who have re-entered university after a gap (2 years or more) from their last time in higher education and who have since completed a doctoral program in counseling or clinical psychology. Participation would include partaking in an one-hour interview using a HIPAA-compliant video platform. An honorarium of $25 will be provided in compensation for your time.

Benefits of this study include the opportunity to discuss one’s experiences persisting in counseling or clinical psychology doctoral programs.  The deidentified data will also be used to gain a further understanding of re-entry women’s experiences persisting in psychology doctoral programs, which will be of benefit to both institutions and future re-entry women. The risks to you are considered minimal. However, there is a chance that you may experience some emotional discomfort during or after your participation related to the challenges that you may have faced in your educational pursuits. You may stop or cancel the interview at any time, including before we have started and anytime during the process.  There is no penalty for stopping the interview. In the event that you experience considerable discomfort, a list of counseling services or therapists can be provided to you.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

The study has been granted IRB approval by Fielding Graduate University (#20-1204).

If you meet these criteria and would like to participate in this study, please contact me via email at or by phone 204.792.7153. Alternatively, if you know of someone who may meet the criteria, please feel free to pass along the information to them. 


Courtney Andrysiak, B.Com(Hons), M.Ed., M.A.