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Survey: Availability, Cost, and Distribution of Mental Health Services in Canada

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I am an undergraduate student completing an honours thesis evaluating the availability, cost, and distribution of varied mental health services in Canada among service providers. In this brief survey (under 10 minutes), participants will be asked a series of questions about their specific roles in mental healthcare.

No identifiable information will be collected, and survey responses will remain anonymous. Participation is completely voluntary, and participants who complete the survey will have a chance to win 1 of 3 $75 Amazon gift-cards. 

Here is the link to the survey:

This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Board of the University of New Brunswick and is on file as REB#2022-005. I am being co-supervised by Dr. Scott Ronis ( and Laura Kabbash If you have any questions about the study, you may reach out to either of those individuals, or to me (

Thank you for your time,

Adam Young