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Workshop: Productive Emotional Processing in Psychotherapy

By February 16, 2022April 13th, 2022, Mailings, Webinar, Workshop

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In collaboration with the Emotion-Focused Therapy Clinic at York University 

Productive Emotional Processing in Psychotherapy: 
Targeted Interventions to Facilitate Emotional Change

with Dr. Leslie Greenberg and Dr. Antonio Pascual-Leone

DATE: May 27th and May 28th, 2022, 11AM-2:15PM (EST)
FORMAT: Live Broadcast via Zoom (workshop will be recorded)


This 2-day workshop is designed by Dr. Leslie Greenberg and Dr. Antonio Pascual-Leone, leaders in the field of psychology. It is aimed at mental health professionals from various training backgrounds who wish to acquire specialized skills in processing emotions productively in psychotherapy. Video-recordings of therapy sessions will be used to illustrate client processes and interventions.