Join Bespoke Mental Health Canada on Friday January 31, 2025 at 9.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. (PT), 12.00 p.m.- 1.30 p.m. (ET) for full day workshop delivered Dr. Jane Gregory on Annoying but not harmful: Working with sounds in Misophonia.
Can’t attend on that date? Just book to watch it ‘on-demand’ at a time that suits you. Available to watch for one year from event (i.e., until Jan 31, 2026).
This event will introduce the key features of misophonia and provide a simple cognitive-behavioural framework for understanding the distress and impairment associated with the phenomenon. This model will help you to consider transdiagnostic techniques that could be adapted for working with misophonia and to consider the potential limitations.
Traditional exposure approaches tend not to be suitable for most individuals with misophonia, and in fact can lead to increased distress. This even will introduce alternative ideas for working with individuals to with misophonia to engage with sounds, using an inhibitory learning approach to create new associations with sounds.
Bespoke Mental Health Canada is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Participants who complete this workshop (either live or on-demand) are eligible to receive 1.5 CE credits.
Professionals: $60.00 CAD + tax
Students: $48.00 CAD + tax
For more information, click here
To book, click here
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