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Barriers to Mental Health & Addiction Treatment

By June 6, 2023June 28th, 2023Events, Mailings, Workshop

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You’re invited for EHN Canada’s next educational webinar:

Barriers to Mental Health & Addiction Treatment

With Carlee Campbell, Bcomm, JD

National Director of Operations, EHN Canada

According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, only half of Canadians experiencing a major depressive episode receive “potentially adequate care”. The American Addiction Centers have established the most common barriers to finding addiction treatment: financial/cost, geographic location, stigma, and concurrent disorder treatment availability. Another major barrier to seeking out treatment for mental health and addiction is often not knowing what type of program will help the individual. EHN Canada prides itself on providing accessible care through a multitude of avenues, including partnerships with various government entities and referent partners. Join Carlee Campbell, National Director of Operations at EHN Canada, as she discusses ongoing barriers to treatment and methods to overcome said barriers. 


·       Examine mental health and addiction treatment types and options

·       Understand how location and finances can affect where you receive treatment 

·       Discuss ways to overcome obstacles and challenges when seeking treatment

·       Showcase EHN Canada’s commitment to providing both accessible and excellent care

Date: June 15, 2023 – 12pm ET, 9am PT

Duration: 1-hour (45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A)


This webinar provides 1.0 CEU credits recognized by the CACCF, CCPA, MDPAC, and CVRP.

If you are unable to make it on the day of the webinar, we record all of our sessions for your convenience. We ask that you please register as if you were able to attend to be included on the follow-up email journey.

Our sessions include live closed captions generated by Zoom software.

For more information and to register, please visit: