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Take a deep dive into mental health, trauma, and addiction topics and learn how to better serve your clients, patients, and employees.

Our next webinar:

Working on the Front Lines of a Pandemic: Helping Those Helping Others with guest speaker Dr. Vivien Lee

Unprecedented times have brought about an unprecedented set of concerns for all of us, particularly first responders on the front lines. This webinar will examine some of the unique stressors for first responders related to working during COVID-19; how individuals, families, and organizations can optimize resilience through adaptive coping; and the need for treatment that incorporates the world of first responders (e.g., moral injuries; high responsibility, low perceived control; frequent activation of the fight-flight-freeze response).

Leading this session will be guest speaker Dr. Vivien Lee, clinical psychologist and founder of the Centre for Trauma Recovery & Growth in Toronto, ON. She specializes in trauma, PTSD, operational stress injuries, depression and anxiety, and has extensive experience working with and training first responders (e.g., police, paramedics, firefighters, corrections, dispatchers) and military.

In this webinar, attendees will learn:

  •  Identifying challenges and stressors for first responders and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Overview of adaptive coping and emotion regulation strategies
  • The need for first responder-specific treatment


When: August 6, 2020 12:00 EST, 09:00 PST
Duration: 45 minutes + 10-15 minutes Q&A
Speaker: Dr. Vivien Lee

Sign Up Now!

If you have any questions about EHN Canada’s programs or services in the meantime, feel free to reach out to our experienced team at


EHN Canada