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Psychology Month 2014 Wrap-up

By March 1, 2014March 24th, 2014Events, News

As we have come to expect from our dedicated MPS members and other psychology colleagues, there was an excellent showing of Psychology Month events this February. Here’s how it all shaped up:

  • 12 Talks open to the general public
  • 9 Media interviews (CJOB radio, CBC Radio, City TV, Global TV, and CTV)
  • 4 Talks for specific invited audiences
  • 100 Psychology Month Posters distributed
  • 500 Psychology Month Pamphlets distributed to a variety of locations
  • 500+ “Mind Your Mental Health” Post-it Notes handed out to attendees at events 500+ people learned about the “Mind Your Mental Health” campaign

Thank you to all those who participated in Psychology Month this year by selflessly donating your time to increase public awareness about the role psychology plays in the community. This year’s presenters were: Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman, Dr. Anne-Marie Brown-DeGagne, Dr. Jim Clark, Dr. Lorraine DeWiele, Dr. James Ediger, Dr. Pamela Holens, Dr. George Kaoukis, Dr. Carrie Lionberg, Dr. Michael McIntyre, Ms Claire Milgrom, Dr. Colleen Millikin, Dr. Alicia Ordonez, Dr. Kelly Robinson, Ms. Lilian Saltel, Dr. Lisa Sinclair, Dr. Melanie Soderstrom, Dr. Moira Somers, Dr. Leslie Thorne, Ms. Jennifer Thorsteinsson, Dr. Jo Ann Unger, Mr. Chris Villing, and Dr. Kirsten Wirth.

Special thanks to the members of the Psychology Month planning committee (Dr. Jeff Harvey, Dr. Andy Lubusko, Dr. Lori Mac, and Dr. Sayma Malik) for all their hard work in helping make Psychology Month 2014 such a success. Thanks also to Heidi Tucker for additional administrative and “on the ground” assistance.

Summary of Psychology Month