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Working with Shame and Anger in Psycotherapy


Core unhealthy shame is a major source of psychological distress and human suffering. Shame results in feelings of worthlessness and self- contempt, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and problematic emotions such as unhealthy anger or rage. In contrast, assertive healthy anger is helpful and therapeutic to change core shame. As a therapist, knowing how to work with assertive anger is fundamental in transforming shame and accessing the sadness of grief related to childhood unmet needs. This workshop is designed by Dr. Leslie Greenberg, an international leader in the field of psychotherapy and emotion, and it is tailored for mental health professionals from various training backgrounds to provide practical skills in working with shame and anger.

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Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT-C) Level 2 Advanced Training

Counts towards ISEFT certification of EFT-C Dr. Rhonda Goldman & Dr. Serine Warwar

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